This virus has got us, takes us for a mug,
And forced isolation is really a bug.
The doctors and nurses are doing their best,
The drivers, the binmen, the posties, the rest -
Yes, all in the shops who supply us with food,
The comics on TV who lighten the mood.
The carers, good neighbours, old soldiers and more
And all who inspire with good deeds galore;
So much in donations in such a short while
Can only bring hope and a comforting smile.
If you can get out you can go for a walk
But just keep your distance and don't stop to talk;
A cheery brief greeting no doubt that will please
But don't even think about giving a sneeze.
For some on the front line who came to these shores
From far away countries, just now give a pause,
They came to give service in our troubled NHS
But some have found heartbreak amid the success.
For all who've lost family, a loved one, a friend,
The tragedies, the mourning, when will it all end?
Those who've been laid off, no income for now,
With bills to pay weekly and food to buy – how?
And those in the care homes, they've had it so tough,
Of masks and of gowns there's just not enough.
For schoolkids at home it's just like a dream,
They can stare all day long at their favourite screen -
As long as they manage their homework and all,
And don't drive their parents too far up the wall.
Some strive to keep going, working from home,
The lonely ones, housebound, just wait by the phone;
The entrepreneurs, for this country a must,
Weep tears as their empires just crumble to dust.
For some there are weddings and parties they've missed,
For others, no hugging, no funeral, our masters insist.
Holidays cancelled – my money back please -
But hey, bulldog spirit, just get off your knees.
Look forward to visits to the pub or the caff,
When we can swap stories and have a good laugh;
Yes, we'll meet again, we definitely must
And from our memories we'll chip off some rust,
Recall all the good things we had in the past,
Make sure all the bad things just never will last.
So trust in our leaders' decisions we must
To lead us to glorious victory – or bust!
KEB April 2020
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