Four times a year the Parish Council and other organisations send news to the Parish Clerk Mike Hassall who creates the Tarvin Times. Four times a year Councillors deliver the Tarvin Times to nearly every house in the Parish. This ensures that important information reaches everyone. (While keeping the Councillors as fit as fiddles)
But, there remains the unanswered question – does the Tarvin Times actually get read?
The Parish Council acknowledge that a double sided page of A4 white paper might not be the most eye-catching of things to read. They are also aware that more and more people now get their information through mobile devices and social media. The Council strives to be open and transparent in its work, and is looking for ways to improve. The stories – like this one – that appear after Council meetings are one way of trying to reach out and engage with people.
The Parish Council has agreed to set up a small working group to look at improving communications. They will look at the possibility of producing a bigger and more colourful version of the Tarvin Times, though needs to balance greater readability against higher printing cost and the time needed to compile such a version. The group will also look at social media, but needs to remember that the Council has to speak with a collective voice.
The Parish Council would be delighted to hear from anyone who feels strongly about the above. Please contact Mike Hassall on 01829 741075 or on
There are of course no excuses for not seeing the last edition of the Tarvin Times, which was printed on bright yellow paper.
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