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Top Farm Development Edges Closer

20th January 2015 @ 6:06am – by Parish Council
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The Parish Council Planning Committee met on Thursday 8th January to consider a revised proposal for the development of the Top Farm site in the middle of the village. The site has been derelict for some years now and the Parish Council is delighted with the changes that are being proposed. Though planning permission has been granted on an earlier proposal, the amendment now being sent to CW&C for approval consists of five rather than six properties. Three will be created from the restoration of the existing building while two smaller semi-detached properties will be built in the space behind to the north.

The centre of Tarvin village is a conservation area and the restored buildings will enhance the visual appeal of the village and bring them back to a use appropriate for the 21st century. The developer is the same person who so successfully developed the Forge Way/Co-op area that has added greatly to local amenities.

As with many planning applications the Parish Council has sent a number of conditions that they would like to see attached to the final permission. Given that access to the site could be along the Ridgeway, strict controls on the timing of building works have been asked for. They have also suggested that, as happened with Moreton Croft, a temporary access be created for building contractors from the A54 through the hedge. They have asked that the boundary wall between the restored properties and the existing Well Cottage houses should be built of Cheshire brick and not from timber.

The Parish Council has stressed again that it would like to see access from the new development onto Forge Way be available for all foot traffic and not just for the new residents of the development. This is in keeping with the aims set out in the Village Design Statement and would ensure a better integration of all new properties on that side of the village, encourage better use of High Street businesses and reduce potential car journeys and extra parking.

The result of the planning application is awaited with interest and the completion of the building work and the sale of the properties much anticipated.

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