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Tree of Aspiration

13th October 2014 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Primary School
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Children at Tarvin Primary School took part in a special assembly last week to celebrate their ambitions and aspirations. Each child has written their aspirations on a leaf they had made and these were hung in a ceremony on a special tree – "Tarvin's Tree of Aspiration" which was kindly produced by Bill Voice, head of Design at Tarporley High School.

Headteacher, Andrew Davies said – " We have been working with our pupils on articulating their hopes and aspirations and the ceremony was a great way to celebrate this. Thanks to Diana Hill who came up with the concept of the tree and Mr Voice for producing it for us."

The tree will take be placed visibly for the children to see every day in the school and parents will be able to view the pupils aspirations at the Annual School exhibition, taking place on the 22nd and 23rd October 15:00 – 19:30.

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