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Up and Running!

30th January 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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On Wednesday night at the Methodist Church there was a good turnout to hear about Neighbourhood Planning and whether there was any appetite to "make" one for Tarvin. We had 2 speakers from Cheshire Community action describing the 5 step process needed to create the plan.

This was followed by an inspiring talk by 2 key members of the successful Tattenhall Neighbourhood Planning team. The trials and tribulations as they fought their way through in being a guinea pig in this new process and facing legal challenges with some property developers were amazing but "localism" triumphed in the end. So lets not be put off as there is a lot of experience out there from Parishes that have successfully bitten the bullet.

There was virtually unanimous agreement that Tarvin should go ahead and several people from our community agreed to join with a few of the Parish Councillors and set up a Steering team.
As with any project like this many people feel able to contribute help on specific tasks even if they cannot commit enough time to be a full member of the Steering Team.

No doubt the call to arms will go out for extra helpers and Tarvinonline will be there to do what ever it can to promote and publicise this worthwhile cause to shape our Parish in the way the local community want.

Parish residents will have received a leaflet describing briefly what a Neighbourhood Plan can ( and cannot) do.

As 1st steps are taken we will be sharing these developments with you on the website.
Well done to our Parish Council in taking the lead on this and getting it "Up and Running"
There is a need I understand for the Parish Council having to vote formally at their next meeting to go ahead with the Neighbourhood Plan.

Based on the community response at the meeting on Wednesday I am sure they will take up the challenge but will they wait for the new Council to take their seats in May I wonder?

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