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Use It or Maybe, Lose It!

27th November 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Parish Council
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Use It, Tell Them You Use It or – maybe – Lose It
The twice weekly library in Tarvin is one of the most used local services. A number of recent parish surveys – Parish Plan in 2011 and Community Centre in 2014, – proved that the community truly appreciated the service. Young and old alike love having access to books and, via the computer, the whole range of services a modern library provides.
Public libraries have a long history in the country. In 1850 the Libraries Act was passed that allowed local authorities to spend a penny in the pound to build public libraries, though books had to be bought with donations. The first such library was The Royal Museum and Public Library in Salford was opened in November 1850 and the first non-subscription, public library was opened in Campsfield, Manchester in 1852. The first public library in Chester was opened in 1877 and libraries have been an important and well-loved part of local council provision ever since.
Libraries have come under severe pressure as local government spending has been reduced and in a number of places libraries have been closed. CW&C, like all other councils, is having to take a very hard look at the services it provides and the way it provides them. The Council has begun a Cultural Services Review which closes on December 2nd. It covers the provision of a whole range of services including libraries, arts, museums, and events and asks you, as ratepayers and service users, to let them know your thoughts.
The Parish Council has responded as a body to the Review and urges everyone who can to add their comments. You can access the Cultural Services Review by going to the CW&C website, www.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk and following the link to Consultations. Alternatively contact your ward Councillors Hugo Deynem on hugo.deynem@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk, or John Leather on john.leather@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
Whatever your views about the future provision of services, the Parish Council feels that it is important that local opinion is taken in to account. There is no immediate threat to the library or other arts services enjoyed by Tarvin residents, but important and far-reaching decisions have to be made soon by CW&C and they need to be aware of what people need and think.

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