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Vandals Strike Again

29th January 2017 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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tcc notice board vandalism

The notice board in the Community Centre grounds, by the entrance to the Playing Fields has been badly damaged. Rather than a casual missile throw against it as has happened before, the damage looks like it has taken a bit of time and effort to inflict. Fortunately, the Community Centre has a wonderful group called the T.I.T.s – that's the Technical and Innovation Team – so the board will be mended and back in action soon.

Chair of the Committee Alan Wilkinson said "This sort of thing is very dispiriting. I know it's hardly the end of civilisation as we know it, but I struggle to see what satisfaction people can get from this. Youthful high spirits can sometimes get out of hand but this looks as though this damage was very deliberate."

Another area that causes the Community Centre concern is the amount of rubbish that is sometimes found at the end of Meadow Close. While there can be no objection to young people in cars meeting up for a chat and a take-away, their inability to "take-away" their rubbish is a regular annoyance.

Youthful high spirits no doubt the cause of another example of litter in the playing field. Last week a large amount of white paper was strewn across the grass near one of the large swings. On closer inspection it turned out to be toilet paper. Sue Hardacre who spotted it said "I can imagine that the kids had a great deal of fun flinging this about at each other, but picking up soggy and flimsy paper from the mud was a bit of a struggle. All I can say is that, thankfully, the paper seemed to have come from new rolls!!"

While no one would want to stop young people meeting on the Playing Field and having fun, even being ridiculous and daft, silly and sometime even stupid, the message is simple, don't inflict damage and clear up afterwards

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