Message From Action Fraud
There has been a recent series of incidents whereby fraudsters either phone or attend the home address of elderly members of the public, claiming to be police officers.
The fake officer(s) will claim that they are investigating a fraud which they believe the elderly person to be a victim of. The fake officer(s) will then request the bank cards and personal identification numbers (PIN) of the victim and claim these are needed for investigation purposes. If the first contact was made by a phone call, the fake officer(s) will tell the victim that someone will be over to collect the evidence. In one case the victim was instructed to attend their local bank and withdraw all of the money from their account. The suspect was left alone in the victim's house whilst the victim carried out the instructions.
Protect Yourself
If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online here or by telephone 0300 123 2040.
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