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We need New Volunteers in the Woodlands

3rd October 2021 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Woodland Committee
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Would you enjoy being a Woodland Volunteer?

Tarvin Community Woodland is cared for by a group of volunteers who meet each week to spend a couple of hours doing things that will keep our woodland tidy and well-managed. The essence of the time that they spend together is that they will all enjoy a morning with like-minded people who, while engaging in a laugh and a joke, are able to achieve an amazing amount. They do not need to have any prior knowledge about running a woodland; nor do they need any great physical strength. No one will be given a task beyond their competence or capability and, where it is needed, full instruction will be given. The Trust owns all of the necessary safety gear and most of the tools (although, where a number of people might be doing the same job, we may occasionally ask people to bring along their own secateurs, loppers or wheelbarrow!)

The volunteers are run by Peter Maiden (20, Hallfields Road, Tel: 01829 741078, pete.suemaiden@tiscali.co.uk ) and he is always pleased to hear from folk who can spare a few hours a week to help in this way (but who need not necessarily live in Tarvin). A cup of tea or coffee is served part-way through by another of our stalwart volunteers, giving everyone a chance to gather together and get to know each other.

The first session of the Autumn 2021 season will be at 9:30am on Thursday, 7th October and everyone will meet at the Trust's storage container, just adjacent to the Hockenhull Lane gateway into the woodland. The group meet there on every Thursday that they are functioning and it is from there that people go off to different parts of the woodland to carry out their tasks. It is exceedingly rare for anyone to be working alone. However, it must be said that our volunteers are a hardy bunch and are not deterred by a few drops of rain or a morning that is a bit chilly!

If you could spare some time on a Thursday morning (even occasionally), then please do come along and give it a try. If you could also contact Pete, that would be really helpful.

Our woodland wins Green Flag Awards each year. This is entirely due to the efforts of our volunteers. Please join with us and help us if you can. You'll enjoy it!

Ed: I have loved being a volunteer for the woodland. its a great group of people and we have a giggle too!

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