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Who likes Numbers?

6th August 2013 @ 7:07am – by Tarvin Webteam
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I bet we all like numbers if they give you a winning Lottery ticket!. Sorry the numbers I am referring to are the millions of data points that make up the 2011 Census.
Losing interest already I hear you say. Well the 2011 census results for Tarvin are only a click away.
On Sunday March 27th 2011, as I am sure you will remember, we were all counted in the Census. This massive job that happens once a decade gives government at all levels the vital information it needs to plan for the future.
Census information at the level of Tarvin Parish is available on a website called DORIC and is the online resource for local data and information serving the communities of Cheshire and Warrington.
I always thought Doric was a type of column but evidently it stands for Data Observatory Research and Intelligence Collaborative and is funded by local Councils, Health organizations and the Police – so now you know a good pub quiz answer.
It is a mine of information that gives details about people and places in Cheshire and Warrington and provides a wonderful snapshot of Tarvin two years ago.
Unless you suffer from insomnia I suggest you let the Tarvin webteam do the digging for you and see what nuggets can be found that can interest, inform and even surprise us all. We hope to start extracting some numbers shortly and present them to you in small digestible bite-sized chunks.
On a more serious note the site is pretty easy to use, though each search took a little while. It is the type of site that draws you in and I can imagine that, for certain people, could become quite addictive ( you know who they might be!). Certainly the Parish Council may want to look closely are some of the figures as they look at the future development of the village.

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