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Woodland Mystery

28th October 2013 @ 6:06am – by John Daines
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You may ask "What are the mysterious goings-on in Tarvin Community Woodland?"

With Halloween approaching is there evidence for pagan rituals or even burning at the stake?

Where have all the wild flowers gone?

Should the public be concerned?


No. It is no mystery, the volunteers have been busy working in the Tarvin Community Woodland! So you can sleep soundly

What look like "Pagan rituals" are in fact teazels that have been cut and then left tied to stakes for the goldfinches who love the seeds.

But, what about the wild flowers?

wild flower clearance

The woodland volunteer squad has strimmed the wildflower areas on the Broomheath side. All the material has been removed so that it rots down in amongst the trees.
If it decomposes where it grew then it would cause nutrients to go back into the soil and thus enrich it. The wildflowers need poor soil.

cleared approach

The approach in Broomheath Lane from across the bypass looks much better after the woodland volunteers trimmed the grass and hedges.

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