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You Can Never Have Enough....

14th January 2021 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Community Centre
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oil tank1 1tcc oil storage revamped 1 image20210113140525289785

The Community Centre Committee is delighted to announce that the former oil storage tank area at the rear of the Centre has completed its transformation to a useful utility storage area. As everyone knows, you can never have enough storage!

Vice Chair Sue Hardcare said "After all the work to replace the old oil-fired central heating system, we are delighted to have a new storage area available to us. Once the storage tank was removed, minor work to renovate the space was carried out free of charge y local builder Clive Smith and the room has been redecorated by Chris Leavy, the Centre's Caretaker. A mobile ramp, which will ease the access of items across the high threshold, has been built, again free of charge, by John Bloomfield. Such support is much appreciated by the Committee."

At the moment the Committee is in discussion with CRTA, Cheshire Rural Touring Arts, to offer storage space for some of their mobile staging equipment. If these talks are concluded satisfactorily the Community Centre will have access to modern equipment that will enable them to create raised seating or a raised performance area without the struggle of manipulating the old, heavy wooden staging. Sue said "Having the ability to create different configurations of seating will enhance the audience experience by giving more people a much better view of any performance. If we can store this equipment, we will have access to it at any time, as long as it is not required by any other CRTA local promoter."

This new space is the latest of the improvements that have been made in the last couple of years, improvements that have been possible thanks to the support given to all the activities that have taken place in the Centre. Though all is quiet at the moment, the Centre is only holding its breath until it can shake off the silence and start again offering activities and events to residents. When this finally happens, there will at least be more space to store all the "stuff"!

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