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Ageing with Friends and with Fun

20th August 2014 @ 6:06am – by Sue Hardacre
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Though there are advantages that come with maturity, no-one likes getting old. As the body slows down the knack of socialising can also become rusty, and as your social circle becomes smaller, loneliness and isolation can follow. In our busy world with our fragmented families, such a situation can become a real life-shortening condition.

Fortunately there are many organisations that can help, and Ash-worth Time Bankis just one that is very active in this area. A Time Bank matches people with time, energy and skills to spare with people who have needs that lie outside the more formal health and welfare systems. The scheme, which is based in Ashton, has also received Big Lottery funding to provide a wider range of services within the rural community.


In Tarvin, the Ash-worth Time Bank runs the very popular Wednesday Club which succeeded the Silver Threads. They meet every two weeks in the Community Centre at 2.00pm and their first meeting after the summer recess is on September 10th Before that, on Saturday September 6th they are holding a Craft Fair and Holistic Therapy Event in the Community Centre between 10.00am and 3.00pm. Entry is free and refreshments will be available.

Also In the village there is a Tai Chi/ Gentle Exercise class in the Parish Rooms from 2.00pm till 3.00pm on a Tuesday afternoon.
Ash-worth Time Bank can also help you access a number of holistic therapy treatments from a range of well-qualified therapists who give their services free of charge. There is an Art Group, a Walking Group and a Men's Luncheon Club. There are plans for a new group, 60+, that will help organise trips away, theatre trips and even weekend breaks.

These activities are not based in Tarvin, but in neighbouring villages. If transport is a problem, the Time Bank may well have a local volunteer driver who can help.
On a more serious note Ash-worth Time Bank organises a PACS Project which stands for Patient and Carers Support at Home. When individuals are threatened with debilitating illness, or when carers struggle to manage on their own, the Time Bank can offer support, a listening ear, conversation, company and respite.

All of these services are free.

If you think that any of the services are for you, or you know anyone who might benefit, then a single telephone call to the office in Ashton is all that is needed to start the ball rolling. The number is 01829 751398. If you have time to spare to help, then a call to them would be most welcome.

Growing old gracefully is an art, not a science. We are all individuals who need different things at different times, and there is not one solution that fits all. But in our friendly village and in the surrounding area there are many opportunities to engage with others and many chances to smile and have fun. Just one phone call may be all it takes to make such a difference.
Remember 01829 751398

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