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Busy Tarvin W I

6th October 2014 @ 6:06am – by Irene Wilkinson
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women39s institute

TARVIN WI are having a busy month with extra activities, as well as our monthly meeting which was held on September 24th at Tarvin Community Centre.

Our speaker was Janet Blake who gave an informative and lively talk on 'Bloomin Nickers'
She told about the history of 'Nickers' from the 1850's up to present day, bringing with her some beautiful lace and silk examples and some really strange ones in cotton. Some of our ladies were held spell bound with the tales she related and others were glad that they had not lived in the 1850's. It was a lively meeting with a questions and answer session at the end.

On September 28th a group attended the Vue Cinema at Cheshire Oaks to see the live performance of Billy Elliott.

October 1st we were out on the road to visit Winsford where the Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service were holding an 'Older Peoples Day'. The event was very well supported by WI's and local people. We were shown behind the scenes of the Fire and Rescue Service, met a beautiful Newfoundland Dog who was being trained as an Aqua rescuer, saw some old fire engines and a purpose built van which held a fitted kitchen and demonstrated what happened when a chip fire takes place. We met volunteers who were prepared to come out and help clear up after a fire, this service is not widely know about and would be a great help to someone on their own, who had experienced a fire in their home. This was followed by lunch and then we watched a dummy patient being cut out of a car. It was a well organised day which we thoroughly enjoyed.

October 7th will see a party going to Winsford again, this time to the Annual WI Council meeting where the guest speaker will be Prue Leith.

October 13th we are going to Tarporley Community Centre for our bi annual Forest Group meeting, where we will hear all about the Blue Belle Girls

Our busy October outings will end with our Luncheon Club which will be held on October 24th at The Oak in Kelsall.

Finally back to our WI Meeting on Wednesday October 29th Our speaker for the evening will be Colin Edmondson who will tell us about Salt and Subsidence.

As you can see, we have a varied programme of activities if you want to join us please come along to Tarvin Community Centre on Wednesday October 29th at 7.30 pm, as a visitor or a new member, you will all be made welcome.

(Ed: Can any other club challenge the activity level of the Tarvin W I?)

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