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Cheshire Bell ringers raise £1500

2nd November 2016 @ 6:06am – by Linda Deakin
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On the 18th September a band of Cheshire ringers performed, 5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Minor (42methods) in 2 hours and 41 minutes to raise funds towards the restoration work on the bells at St Andrew's Church.
The 42 methods had been purposely chosen and then spliced together to facilitate a smooth flowing composition. Each method was sponsored by an individual or group and it is with heartfelt thanks that we acknowledge their support.

Originally a long ring was scheduled for the 20th August, sadly due to illness this could not be completed. However the band, mindful of their commitment, set the next peal attempt for the 18th Sept. Even though it meant one travelling all the way back from Aberdeen!

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon the bells 'sang out' as the band performed the composition. The peal has raised in excess of £1500 and has meant that three fifths of the funds required have been raised in one afternoon. Many congratulations to the band and all who have supported this event

The peal has been officially recorded and details can be viewed via the following link

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