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28th December 2018 @ 6:06am – by Jo Richards
Back home  »  News  »  CHRISTINGLE AT ST ANDREWS

Every year, on Christmas Eve, St Andrews Church holds its Christingle Service. This service, which is especially for the children of our village, is very popular; the church is always so full that there is standing room only.
At the end of this very popular service, we take a voluntary collection in aid of The Children's Society so, by celebrating Christingle together, we can help thousands of children who are in need.

childrens society

There is a lot more to The Children's Society than you might think. Their funding supports many thousands of young people every year, ensuring that they are not alone and they do have someone to turn to. During 2018, 630 dedicated volunteers donated 130,000 working days of their time to directly supporting 11,031children and young people, helping them to deal with multiple challenges.
After five years of campaigning, the society has convinced the government to reinstate legal aid for separated and unaccompanied immigrant children, helping thousands of them to get the legal advice they so desperately need.
In 2018 their work has ensured that 30,000 young people leaving care have been spared the worry of council tax debt and 10,323 campaigners have called on the government to give more help to vulnerable 16 and 17 yr olds.

These are just a few of the many things that The Children's society has done for children and young people over the past year and none of it would be possible without the willing support of those who help. Thank you to everyone who came to the Christingle Service and gave so generously. Your donations will help to make 2019 a much happier year for so many children and young people.

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