The Community Centre is delighted to announce that it has been awarded a payment of £396.64 from the Co-Operative Community Fund. This money will go towards finishing the new storage shed recently built to the rear of the Centre.
This payment is the first payment in a year long funding cycle which will end on October 27th. Members in Tarvin can choose one of 3 local worthy causes and, when they present their Co-op card at the till after shopping, 1% of the purchase price of selected Co-op branded goods bought will be donated to the fund. Proceeds of the sale of plastic bags is also donated to the total collected. Since the scheme began, the Co-op has distributed over £20 million to causes nationally.
The arrival of the Co-op has brought much benefit to the village, widening the range of groceries that can be bought locally. The Co-op Community Fund has helped to anchor small, local outlets like ours firmly in the local community. If you have a card, please do think about selecting the Community Centre as your local good cause – you can do this on-line at
Money collected by the scheme that is not specifically allocated to an individual good cause is divided equally between the three nominated ones. In Tarvin, St Andrews and the Tarvin Brownies are also looking for support.
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