For the last seven evenings I have been collecting Community Centre Surveys. My "pitch" was the outlying areas of the Parish – Cross Lanes, Oscroft, Willington Road and Old Moss.
What have I learned?
The residents I met have mostly been very happy to complete the survey. There is a genuine interest in the Community Centre and its continued success, even from people who say that they rarely use the Centre themselves.
Unsurprisingly, residents take the security of their homes very seriously: it seems that front doors always have to be unlocked for me when I call!
A surprising number of houses do not have doorbells or even knockers, and some letter-boxes can be very well hidden.
Other Committee members have reported similar findings throughout the village. Many have had some fascinating conversations with residents, both newcomers and those of long standing. It has been particularly heartening to hear how much our newer residents enjoy living in the village.
I probably chose a bad week to collect because at many properties I got no answer, despite calling at each house at least twice. So, if you still have a completed survey, I am sorry I missed you – there is a box in the foyer of the Community Centre where you can return it, or you can hand it in at the Post Office.
The Community Centre Committee now has to analyse the hundreds of completed surveys, which contain a wealth of useful feedback. This feedback will be used to inform our plans for improvements, influence the events we promote in the future and show prospective funders the depth of support which the Centre enjoys.
Thank you to everyone who responded. There will be a further article for Tarvinonline once the surveys have been analysed and our plans are clearer.
(Ed. Ted Lush is the Treasurer, Tarvin Community Centre Committee of Management as well as chair of Tarvin Parish Council)
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