It's been another very successful year for 1st Tarvin cubs. Our Pack is full to bursting and we have an ever growing waiting list.
One of the activities which is important to both Cubs and Beavers is serving our community. We've kept the weeds down in the Millennium garden and completed regular litter picks around the village. We've also helped with fund raising for both the Christmas Street Market and the Village Fete as well as supporting the Christian Aid charity.
When the weather has allowed it, we've been outdoors: hiking, camping, learning how to put up and take down a tent, how to make and light a fire safely and then cooking on it. We've spent evenings in the Woodland learning about plant, insect and bird life and followed trails and treasure hunts around the village.
We had an athletics evening and we also took the Cubs to a climbing centre. We marched through Chester on County Scout Sunday and paraded in the village on Remembrance Sunday.
Of course, we can't be outside all the time but we have plenty of fun activities to do in the scout building during those cold winter months. This year the Cubs have been learning some traditional scouting like semaphore, morse code, knots, pioneering skills and map reading. They've also had a science evening, learned emergency Aid and done some egg racing. Cubs love food and this year some of the food they've prepared and enjoyed has included sushi, truffles and armpit fudge. And we've played lots and lots of games, the favourite being the Wellie Game.
It's important to remember that we wouldn't be able to do any of things if it were not for the very generous support we get from various organisations. We are grateful and want to publically thank the Parish Council, the Co-op, The Free Masons, Broomheath Planation, St Andrew's church, Tarvin Methodist church and our borough councillors who have all been a great support to scouting in Tarvin financially and by offering us resources free of charge. We also need to say a big 'Thank you' to all the Cub parents who have supported, encouraged and helped us throughout the year.
We've broken up now for the summer holiday and a well-earned rest for all our leaders, young leaders and parent helpers but we'll be back on Monday September 12th. If you would like to put your child's name down for Cubs, Scouts or Beavers, please contact Jo at jinks or ring either 01829 71474 or 07545255680.
(Ed. Jo sent us a whole gallery of Cub pictures which we will be showing over the next few days)
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