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The Dangers of Country Roads

14th October 2014 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Tarvinonline recently published articles referring to the speed of traffic using Oscroft as a "rat-run" , view here, and, the safety of drivers accessing the A51 Junction, seehere.

Well, now it is official, The Department of Transport (DofT) has published a paper entitled "Country roads: deadlier than you THINK!" and is launching a new campaign to warn drivers of the dangers of Country Roads, view website here

They have produced stats that show:

  • 60% of fatalities occur on country roads but drivers are oblivious to the risks:
  • 3 people die each day on average on rural roads
  • The number of people killed on country roads is nearly 11 times higher than on motorways
  • A quarter of drivers have had a near miss and 1 driver in 20 has had a collision on a country road

Launching a Government Backed Scheme, the DofT urged drivers to:

  • Read the road ahead and anticipate potential hazards
  • Drive at a speed that allows you to stop in the distance you can see to be clear
  • Stay in control and give yourself time to react by braking before a bend, not on it
  • Give cyclists and horse riders plenty of space when overtaking

Editor:"As the response from CWaC is a statement that 'The Road Safety Team has no comments to make regarding the improvements to the junction of Tarporley Road with the A51', we suggest that everyone gets in touch with your Borough Councillor and alert them to the problems affecting our rural community and get immediate action to our requests to improve our Rural roads before there is an accident". Contact details are available here

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