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Dialogue re Tarporley Road Development

23rd August 2013 @ 7:07am – by Tarvin Parish Council
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As the new development of Saxon Heath gets under way the Parish Council has been invited to attend regular site meetings with Site Managers and technical staff of Cheshire West and Chester Council, including Highways.

taylor wimpey 4

While close contact between the latter two is common, this is the first time in Tarvin that the Parish Council has had a seat at the table.
The Parish Council's representative is Councillor Cotgreave and the most recent meeting was held on August 2nd. Councillor Cotgreave raises items that concern residents and that have been brought to his attention, or to the attention of the Clerk.

Major developments always cause some disruption but it is hoped that any difficulties can be dealt with swiftly and that disruption to residents can be minimized. Such meetings also allow the contractors to discuss and explain reasons for their actions given the complexity of the work being carried out.

taylor wimpey earthmound

Items discussed at the last meeting included the removal of top soil from the site and its distribution in large heaps about the perimeter. Some areas have since been flattened and seeded so the problems of dust and dirt should be reduced.

As yet there is no area on-site to take deliveries of construction supplies, and lorries on Tarporley Road cause some delay to traffic.

taylor wimpey driveway

Until this situation changes Taylor Wimpey has agreed to provide some roadside supervision of deliveries to reduce delays. When an on-site delivery area is available, it is hoped that all the heavy traffic leaving will turn right as requested and use the A51 junction and not the village to leave the area.

Work to lay the new water main down Cross Lanes has started and the improvements to the A54/Lower High Street junction are scheduled for September. Concerns about the changes to the junction of Tarporley Road and the A51 were also aired – see separate story.
The next meeting is scheduled for August 30th.
If anyone has any complaints or comments about the progress of the construction work they should bring them to the Councils' attention by contacting the Clerk at Miketarvinparish@aol.com or by phone on 01829 741075.
The Parish Council feels that by being so closely involved in the process, the needs of residents can be dealt with by those people and organizations that have the power to make decisions.

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