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Floods Hit Hockenhull Lane -Again!

9th March 2014 @ 11:11am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Residents of Hockenhull Lane awoke this morning (Sunday) to scenes of flooding despite the lack of rain in the last 48hours!

The source was identified as a burst pipe on Field Lane and the flood was the result of CWaC or UU failing to clear the blocked drains on Hockenhull Lane north of the junction with Crossfields, which stopped the water simply draining away.


Local residents were quick to contact United Utilities although Parish Council Chairman Ted Lush experienced difficulties " I tried to phone into UU but got no response after waiting 10 minutes and therefore emailed them with the problem. Real problem for Hockenhull Lane properties because the water has formed a small lake because UU have never fixed the drain problem in that location."

By 10.30am United Utilities engineer Phil had located the leak, reduced the water pressure further to stem the flow of water, and, had ensured the houses affected were not under threat of flooding. The plan was for them to get an emergency team on site as soon as possible, in the meantime most of us in Tarvin will have reduced pressure in our water system until the burst pipe has been fixed.


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