Flower Club- February meeting.
Very few members braved the elements on Wednesday evening to see Jacqueline Cooper's flower demonstration. Her journey to Tarvin from Whitchurch was bad because of many road closures and diversions. She did manage to arrive in good time for her necessary preparation.
Those of us who were present thoroughly enjoyed her designs which all had names- Echo, Beginnings, Fanfare, Up,up and away,Eruption and Twirl. She worked quickly and informed us about all the flowers and foliage she was using.
Being brought up with a large garden,with a mother who helped to found the Mercia and North Wales area of the Flower Arranging Society she was very knowledgeable. She also included some contemporary work.
Hopefully we will be able to arrange another visit from Jacqueline when more members can be present to enjoy her wonderful work.
Thanks to June Pughe for the photographs
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