Vaccination is still the best way to avoid catching flu.
As well as booking up to get your flu jab at your local doctor's you can also get free NHS flu jabs atIan Littler Pharmacyin Tarvin if you are aged between 18-64 years of age and in a clinical at risk group e.g.
This service has been commissioned by NHS England, Cheshire, Warrington, &Wirral
The chemist also has a private service available to patients aged 16 years or over at a cost of £10. Ask in the chemist for details as vaccinations are in full swing already
There is a lot of information around giving you further help in choosing the vaccine that should be appropriate for members of the family of all ages.
I am a great believer in spending a little time looking at some background information to help me ask sensible questions of my GP or pharmacist if needed.
A general site on Vaccine knowledgeproduced by the University of Oxford gives some clear explanations on the types of vaccines. A particularly interesting and interactive presentation to guide you as to what should be done, produced by the NHS can be accessed here
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