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Further Items from Parish Council Meeting 28th September

5th October 2020 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Parish Council
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These notes are produced to give residents a timely update of the more significant issues discussed at the September meeting. They are not the official minutes.

1.The PC agreed that in future the grass verge surrounding the triangular field in the centre of Oscroft would be cut by the PC's grass mowing contractor. This should ensure that the verge is maintained to a high standard.

2. PCSO Sue Keers carried out speed monitoring on 10th September and the results were as follows:
Cross Lanes, between Tarvin and Oscroft – limit 40 mph – 31 vehicles checked, none exceeding speed limit.
A54 Holme Street – limit 40 mph – 436 vehicles checked, 3 exceeding speed limit.
The PC was pleased to see these results, particularly that for Cross Lanes, Oscroft, where a resident had expressed previously concern about speeding traffic.

3. The PC discussed Christmas activities, having noted that the Christmas Festival Street Market would not be held on High Street due to the pandemic. It was agreed that the PC will again provide small Christmas trees with lights to be fixed to many buildings on the High Street and Church Street. It will also obtain and light a larger tree to be placed in front of the Methodist Church. Trees on the High Street will also be lit – it is hoped with battery-powered lights. The trees are scheduled to be put up on Saturday 5th December.

4. The PC will again be supporting the Remembrance commemorations this November. This year the service on Sunday 8 November will be handled differently and the service on 11 November will be much smaller than usual, both changes due to the pandemic. There will be no parade and so no need to close the road (the cost of which would now otherwise fall on the local community).

5. The next Council meeting will be held on Monday 26th October at 7.15pm.

Ed: Parish Council reports on items about William's Wood and A51 Land Development near Okells were published on 1st and 2nd of October, respectively.

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