The George Heath Foundation recently marked its second anniversary since receiving charitable status by announcing the latest of its allocations to local organisations and causes.
Chester Aid to the Homeless - One of The George Heath Foundation's aims is to promote social inclusion and relief of the needs of those people who are socially excluded as a result of being a member of a socially or economically deprived community. The trustees of The Foundation have been working with the staff and volunteers of Chester Aid to the Homeless (CATH) to develop "care bags" for the rough sleepers of the Chester area.
We were surprised to discover that there are at least 50 such rough sleepers in Chester, with at least 15 of them being ladies.
The finished care bags were delivered on 5th October and were very gratefully received by both the service users of CATH and the "care workers" who received the bags on behalf of the users who weren't at the drop in centre that day.
After a lot of thought, we decided to "package" the bags in a George Heath Foundation rucksack, and to include Thermos mugs, water-bottles, thermal hats gloves and 5 pairs of socks, anti-fungal cream, plasters, deodorant, lip balm, tissues, baby wipes, toothbrush toothpaste and toothbrush cover, feminine hygiene, razors, shaving soap, some food items and some doggy treats.
Look out for our bags when you're out and about...and if you see someone with one, please buy them a warm drink.... a little act of kindness goes a very long way.
Tarvin Primary School - Multi Use Games Area Goals – Over the summer of 2018 Tarvin Primary School has been a hive of activity as various contractors have been working to put the new Multi Use Games Area in place.
As a former student of Tarvin, and a regular player of all games and sports, we know that George would have really appreciated the "carpeted" area. We were delighted to contribute to the cost of the goals for the new Area which was formally opened by no less than Jamie Carragher!
We understand that plaster use has reduced significantly now that the children can play sports on the soft carpet like surface! Whoop whoop!
Tarvin Athletic Football Club Under 8s - Tarvin Athletic has been in existence for a number of years, and about 15 years ago George was a member of one of the teams.
The Unders 8s were looking for a sponsor for their training tops, and we are more than happy to help! The picture shown is of their match kit purchased by the parents and including The George Heath Foundation logo, because they all fully support the cause.
Tarporley Karting Team - George was a member of Tarporley Karting Team from 2006 enjoying a very successful racing career that saw him win three National Schools Karting Championships. When his racing career ended he enjoyed going along to race meetings and mentoring and mechanicing for younger team members.
The team are desperately in need of new racesuits and helmets for younger drivers and this allocation will allow them to purchase 5 suits and 5 helmets – meaning that younger drivers can try the sport without the need to spend money on equipment.
We hope that there are some future George's out there to bring some silverware home to Tarporley!
Prize Bingo Event - our prize bingo has become an annual event, and is enjoyed by a very unusual demographic! This year was no exception, with players ranging from the very young primary school children (with their parents!) to 90 year old regulars from Tarvin Bingo club on a Thursday evening! We hope everyone who came had a fantastic time (and took away a prize!) – we are very much indebted to all of our supporters for coming along to play – but also to the very many local businesses who donated prizes to aid our fund raising. Thank you all! At the end of the evening, we had generated over £2,100 to go to the next series of allocations to our local community.
Next fundraising events – you can see us at the Methodist Church Craft Fair on Saturday 3rd November, then again at the Christmas Festival on Saturday 1st December.
Our next event will be our Table Quiz in the Community Centre on Friday 8th March 2019 – we really hope to see you there!
Ed: Click on all photos to enlarge
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