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Implementing the Parish Plan

23rd August 2013 @ 7:07am – by Tarvin Parish Council
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When the Parish Plan was published in 2011 it detailed a number of action points that would be necessary to make the improvements that the public had felt appropriate for the Parish.

parish plan

Some of these actions were deemed to involve the active participation of the Parish Council and at the Parish Council meeting on August 19th the Council took time to review what progress had been made and to see if any other action was needed.
Built Environment/Community Safety
Many of the issues raised in this section are dealt with regularly by the Council as individual problems are brought to their attention. Such items as potholes, drainage, overhanging trees and hedges are all directed to the relevant authorities.
The Council has set up a Streetscene sub-committee that checks on litter and other issues on a monthly basis and has instituted a regular 'Walkabout' with Cheshire West and Chester officials to try and ensure that issues are raised and dealt with in a timely manner.
Parking and Traffic issues
Parking was an issue raised frequently in the Parish Plan and the Parish Council has conducted a parking survey to prove to CW&C the real need for an off-street car park. A survey of bus users has lead to suggestions to improve traffic flow through the Tarvin High Street and the Police have been asked for, and have provided, speed enforcement within the Parish on a number of occasions.
Longer term development
The Parish Council has taken some time to look at the long term development of the Parish and has been in communication with CW&C to bring about sustainable growth of both housing and the infrastructure. This is ongoing and will continue to be an important part of the Council's work in the future.
Disabled people facilities
The Parish Council agreed that perhaps they had made less specific contributions to facilities for disabled people but hoped that the provision of a new parking area would mean more blue-badge parking spaces. The proposed removal of the bus stop on the north side of the High Street should make the provision of a new seat a possibility.
Communication to residents
Many of the items involving the participation of the Parish Council, e.g. reduction of dog fouling, have been highlighted in issues of the Tarvin Times, which is delivered to ALL households quarterly. The Parish Council is also making use of this website to communicate to residents.
Representatives of the Parish Council are members of the Parish Plan Implementation Team and will report back to them at the next meeting. The Council is confident that they are responding to the action points in an efficient and timely manner and look forward to the Team's response.

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