This is a Community-led land use development plan looking forward to 2030
Following a public consultation the vision is:-
"Retain and enhance the character of Tarvin by ensuring that any further additional housing beyond the minimum specified in the Cheshire West and Chester (CWaC) Local Plan, is appropriate and must not compromise the existing and proposed infrastructure needs of the community"
What a plan can say and the processes followed are tightly specified.
Recommended land use policies must be justified to an independent Assessor.
Once the Plan has been so assessed then residents within the plan area get to vote on it.
If a simple majority agree the plan then CWaC will adopt it as part of the statutory development plan ie it must be used in making decisions on planning applications
The plan has been developed by a Steering Group of volunteers who are residents of the plan area.
The plan is based on community feedback through two questionnaires.
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