A reminder that 6.00 pm on Wednesday, 30 December, is the last opportunity to submit your voting forms for the Light-Up Tarvin Competition.
The completed voting forms can be posted in a special box at 79 Hockenhull Lane, or left at Tarvin Post Office or alternatively email your name, address and favourite displays in each category to tarvinchristmasfestival@hotmail.com. Please put 'Votes for Lights' as your subject header.
Prizes are being awarded for:
the house with the best traditional decorations
the house with the best eco decorations
the business with the best decoration
and voters with the highest scores will have their name put into a prize draw.
The village was made to look very festive so thank you to everyone who took part in lighting up their house or business and thank you also to everyone who took part in the 'safari'.
We hope that everyone enjoyed taking part.
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