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Leaving Nothing to Chance

22nd July 2016 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Hopefully by now every resident in Tarvin and surrounding area knows that on this coming Sunday, 24th July, Tarvin Community Centre, together with number of cinemas across the country, will be screening the Andre Rieu 2016 Maastricht concert via satellite.

Leaving nothing to chance the TCC sent the Community Centre Chairman, Alan Wilkinson and his wife, Irene, to attend the live open-air concert. Well we would have, but actually, they had already planned to see the concert before we booked the local presentation! It still meant that we could have a first-hand report from our man of the spot.

The photographs displayed with this article were sent to Tarvinonline by Alan and Irene and show the square in Maastricht where 10,000 fans gathered to listen to the concert. Alan and Irene said "the atmosphere was thrilling and the music wonderful"

While Tarvin Community Centre cannot match an audience of 10,000, they are planning to have bunting, and "Fizz" on sale, in an attempt to recreate the live atmosphere – but without the same queues for the loos.

The concert starts at 3pm, and with an intermission, will finish around 6pm. Tickets are £13 and can be obtained from Tarvin Post Office or by calling 01829 740707.

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