"Light up Tarvin" Safari
Tarvin is looking very festive now, with the Christmas trees up and lit along the high street. Thanks to all those involved, they look amazing. The church decorations are both looking beautiful too.
Lots of residents and businesses have "Lit up Tarvin" and we have a lovely lot of entries for the "Light up Tarvin" Christmas decoration competition.
Now you can go on 'safari' and vote for your favourite:
(NB: Please keep to all the current rules on Covid and Social distancing while on Safari)
How to vote:
1. Get a voting form: there are three ways you can do this:
a) Pop into Tarvin News (Post Office)
b) Pick up from the porch at 79 Hockenhull Lane
c) Email tarvinchristmasfestival@hotmail.com (checked at 10 am and 4 pm daily) Please put "Lights Voting Form" as your subject header
2. On the voting form, you will see the addresses of all the houses which have entered their display so you can go and have a look. Each display will have their registration number displayed prominently. (I've included an example so that you know what to look for) Make a note of your favourites on the voting form.
3. Completed forms can be posted in a special box at 79 Hockenhull Lane or left at Tarvin Post Office. Alternatively, you can email your name, address and favourite displays in each category to tarvinchristmasfestival@hotmail.com please put "Votes for lights" as your subject header.
Votes must be in by 18:00 hours on 30th December
4. The competition will be judged and prizes will be distributed within a week.
Prizes will be awarded for:
NB Should two houses receive equal votes, a local committee will adjudicate.
Supported by Chester West and Cheshire Council & Tarvin Parish Council
TarvinOnline is powered by our active community.
Please send us your news and views.