Tarvinonline is always looking for stories that reflect the past history of Tarvin as we are aware that what we print on a daily basis can only provide what is current in terms of news and events.
This year, 2014, is unique in that it is 100 years since the outbreak of World War 1, and whilst that is a distant memory to most of us, we would welcome any stories you have that reflect what was happening in Tarvin at that time, and, during World War 2.
We are going to start with an article from Tony Jenkins who was a refugee from Liverpool in 1941. Hopefully Tony's article will inspire you to add your own stories, maybe some of you know Tony and would like to provide additional information, or even get in contact with him.
So now it is over to you to send your articles or photographs to editor@tarvinonline.org, please attach photos no bigger than 300kps, and we will do the rest.
Watch out for Tony's article this week
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