Midweek Mindbender 2 March
Can you figure these puzzles?
1 The number 8,549,176,320 is a unique number. What is so special about it?
2 You’re in a cabin and it’s pitch black. You have one match on you. What do you light first: the newspaper, the lamp, the candle, or the fire?
3 Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I?
4: What has a spine but no bones?
5 How can a man go eight days without sleep?
Scroll down if you need the answers...
Answer 1 It’s the only number including every digit arranged in alphabetical order.
Answer 2 You light the match first
Answer 3 A Fire
Answer 4 A book
Answer 5 He sleeps at night
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