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Millennium Garden Gets Some TLC

16th June 2014 @ 6:06am – by Jo Richards
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This is Community Week for Scouts of all ages (older people might remember it as bob-a-job week) and during this week scouts are encouraged to work at improving their community.

millenium garden

Our Beavers and Cubs decided to use this time to clear the weeds and litter from the Millennium Garden which has become very overgrown since it was established in 2000.

The Parish Council kindly gave us permission to work in the garden and on two evenings this week they went along with an assortment of gardening tools and a lot of energy. They cleared the centre bed and the commemorative stone is clearly visible again. They pruned back some of the tall shrubs and made a start on clearing away the ground elder which has grown so profusely in the shrubbery. They picked up all the litter as well and deposited it in the near by litter bins.

The children filled about fifteen sacks with weeds and we're very grateful to Simon Harding, from Broomheath Plantation who came along on both evenings and took it all away for composting.

The next time you're near the Health Centre, take a stroll round to the garden and see what an improvement our children have achieved in such a short time – and there is more to come. Okell's have generously donated some Heathers to the garden so, when they've finished clearing away all the weeds, the children will be planting some lovely bulbs, heathers and other plants. Very soon, the garden will be a place of joy and the pride of the village.

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