This Sunday (11th March) is the fourth Sunday in Lent – and therefore is also Mothering Sunday! Traditionally, it was a day when children, mainly daughters, who had gone to work as domestic servants were given a day off to visit their mother and family. The great news is, it can be made in advance (like a Christmas Cake!) and lasts (unless its eaten!!!)
The name 'simnel' probably comes from the ancient Roman 'simila', meaning 'fine flour'. Simple, everyday, cakes of 'simnel bread' have been known in England at least since the 13th Century, and are always described as being boiled as well as baked. We don't know quite what they tasted like, but we do know that, around the time of Queen Elizabeth I, fancy simnel cakes came to be associated with springtime – they turn up in celebrations of Mothering Sunday, Easter, or the day-off from the religious fast of Lent known as 'Refreshment Sunday'.
For the cake
1 kg raisins
175 g glace cherries, halved
50 g ground almonds
125 g currants
300 g plain flour
1 tsp grated nutmeg
0.5 tsp mixed spice
0.25 tsp ground cinnamon
300 g soft margarine
300 g caster sugar
6 eggs
2 tbsp brandy
1 cup melted apricot jam, for glazing
For the marzipan
500 g ground almonds
250 g caster sugar
250 g icing sugar, plus extra for dusting
2 eggs
0.5 tsp almond essence
0.5 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp lemon juice
Preparation Time: 40 mins
Cooking Time: 180 mins
Serves: 16
-Preheat the oven to 140C/120C fan/gas 1. Line a 23 cm round cake tin with greaseproof paper (top and sides).
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