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Crossing the A51

18th August 2013 @ 7:07am – by Editor Tarvin Webteam
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warning sign

Most of us will have ventured across the offset junction between Tarporley Road and Cross Lanes with the A51 in between. As a frequent user I have watched the many variations used by motorists to get across. Some motorists wait until the carriageway on the far side is clear as well as the nearside carriageway and then get across in one go. This usually causes frustration for anyone queuing behind. Of those who venture across and wait in the middle some go to the left and others to the right of the central reservation. Some then wave any stationary cars on the A51 waiting to turn off the A51 to go past them so they can see down the A51 for oncoming traffic.
I read that Councillor Cotgreave referred to potential hazards associated with this road crossing in his reportto the forthcoming Parish Council meeting.
He wrote "The road marking changes on A51 were carried out last week. It was noted that some white lines on each side of the gap had not been renewed and Highways would look into this.
I hope all Cllrs. will study the situation here as when several cars are waiting up to the 'Give Way' the view of traffic coming up the A51 is completely occluded."

I would totally support this comment as it happened to me a couple of days ago. Extra careful attention is needed to avoid getting in a mess.
My version of crossing before the changes was that I would wait in the central reservation on the left hand side of the gap when trying to cross the A51 from Tarvin to go down Cross Lanes to Waverton. Cars coming from the Tarporley direction wishing to turn into Tarvin would go past me ( sometimes needing a "come on") and sit in the central reservation also. Both of us could see clearly the traffic coming in our respective directions and hence proceed safely.

Now the A51 is reduced to a single lane at the turn to Tarvin and cars can come up to the "give way" sign at the start of the gap. With the new road markings they are of course reluctant to go past you as before. The mistake I made was to go beyond the central reservation up to the width of the 'give way' markings as the traffic from the Tarporley direction was light when I started and there was no vehicle in the right turn lane waiting to go into Tarvin.
In both directions the traffic is usually travelling at speed as the road is de-restricted.
Having waited for three cars to pass that seemed to appear from nowhere, the next vehicle a van decided late in the day to turn right into Tarvin. Suddenly I had a van close to the passenger door blocking my view of traffic coming from the Tarporley direction. Reversing back to the central reservation was now not an option as another car had come across from Tarvin and was right behind me! The only option left was to creep forward and I nearly lost the car bonnet!.
The lesson for me is – i will stay in the central reservation until its time to move. Do not be lured into edging forwards by the 'give way' markings on your left!
Is there a right way?. What's your view?. I am not surprised that this area has seen some bad traffic incidents.

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