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NHS Omicron Text message Scam Alert

14th February 2022 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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scam alert

In 2021, people began reporting many hoax / scam emails from the NHS regarding anything from track and trace to quick PCR tests. The most recent of these being a text message telling you that someone you have been near has tested positive for Omicron.

One example of this asks the recipient to click on a link which offers an urgent PCR test.

This is a time wasting scam. If in doubt, always refer to the NHS website or your Covid 19 app. If only the clever people who design these hoaxes could work instead with the phone and broadband industry on blocking these kinds of scams, then they would whither and die and another way of scamming the honest public out of their money or their personal data would be beaten.

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