1st Tarvin Cubs and Scouts headed out to the woods last Monday evening.
The Cubs enjoyed following a trail around Primrose Woods near Kelsall finding plenty of mud.
The Scouts put into practice some of the navigation skills that they have been learning recently in a circular walk up from Willington. Learning by doing is one of the key aspects in Scouting and it was great to get out and use all the theory we had learnt in the hut.
Some of our older Scouts are also completing further training and will be competing in the two day Cheshire Hike competition in April. Its an annual event that attracts teams from across the County which tests their navigation, team work and camping skills
Other recent Scouting activities have included a three way tripod basketball competition, cooking and taste testing meals suitable for taking on an overnight hike (a definite favourite activity) and the chaos that is human hungry hippos . First aid training, rocket making (part of the Astronautics badge) and community action projects will feature soon.
All this is done voluntarily -- and although we have a great group of leaders and helpers, the more volunteers we have the better Scout group Tarvin young people will have access to.
If you'd like to help prepare our local young people for the future or have a specific skill or interest you'd like to share with a great group of lively Beavers, Cubs and Scouts aged between 6 to 14 year olds, then please contact Daniel at 1sttarvinscouts@gmail.com
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