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On This Day – 1st January

1st January 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Hi everyone who follows Tarvinonline, this is the first in a regular series of articles that lists events that happened on this day in the past.

what happened

As it is the start of a New Year all these events took place on the 1st January:

In 1788 The Times, London's oldest running newspaper was first published.

Ed "Who could have foreseen that 300 years later newspapers provided not only news, but also sport, cartoons, crosswords and page 3"

the times

In 1818 Frankenstein was published by Mary Shelley

Ed "Still one of the scariest books and was indirectly responsible for a number of very awful films"

mary shelley

In1937 At a party in Minnesota a guest wins a $100 prize for naming a new canned meat – SPAM!

Ed "Nothing better than a Spam sandwich with crusty white bread and HP sauce"


In 1962 The Beatles auditioned for Decca Records and were turned down!
Ed " It is such a pity they were turned down as The Beatles could have been a huge success"

the beatles

1973 Britain became a fully fledged member of the EEC and in 2002 The Euro was born!

Ed " Brilliant idea at the time now we are all paying for it!"


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