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On This Day – 3rd February

3rd February 2016 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Tarvinonline brings you news from the past with our regular "On This Day" feature

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On This Day in 1959: Buddy Holly killed in air crash

buddy holly crash

Three young rock 'n' roll stars were killed in a plane crash in the United States.
Buddy Holly, 22, Jiles P Richardson,28, (known as the Big Bopper) and Ritchie Valens, 17, died in a crash shortly after take-off from Clear Lake, Iowa at 0100 local time.
The pilot of the single-engined Beechcraft Bonanza plane was also killed.
Early reports from the scene suggested the aircraft spun out of control during a light snowstorm.

On This Day in 1966: Soviets land probe on Moon

luna 9

The Russians made the first controlled landing of a spacecraft on the Moon. Luna 9 made its "soft" landing at 2145 Moscow time (1845 GMT). The probe immediately began taking pictures of its surroundings.
It was the first time the Moon had been observed at surface level. The area viewed was to the west of the craters of Reiner and Marius in the Ocean of Storms.

On This Day in 1970: The Album, Led Zeppelin II, was in the Top 20 on both the UK & USA

led zep

The album went on to spend 138 weeks on the UK chart. The album is now recognised by writers and music critics as one of the greatest and most influential rock albums ever recorded.

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