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5th September 2015 @ 6:06am – by Eric Plenderleath
Back home  »  News  »  ORGAN RECITAL IN ST ANDREW'S

We are delighted to welcome to St Andrew's on Friday, 11th September at 7.30 p.m, Ben Chewter,for our next Organ Recital.

Ben is the Assistant Director of Music at Chester Cathedral, where as well his responsibilities for the accompaniment of the daily services, he also arranges all the broadcasts, tours, and recordings with the cathedral choir.and directs the Chester Cathedral Nave Choir.

As an organist and conductor, Ben has performed extensively throughout the UK (including Westminster Abbey, Lichfield, Coventry, Gloucester, and St Albans cathedrals) and abroad ( Sweden, Mexico, France, Poland and Germany) He regularly appears in live broadcasts of the BBC Daily Service on Radio 4, and Choral Evensong on BBC 3.

We are indeed lucky to have an organist of Ben's calibre, playing for us here in Tarvin.
No tickets are required for the concert, but donations will go towards both the Organ Fund, and the general maintenance of the church. Wine & light refreshments will be served after the recital.

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