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Parish Council Agenda for 19/08/13

14th August 2013 @ 10:10am – by Tarvin Webteam
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The Agenda has arrived- another first!

For the first time we can make available online the Agenda (just click) for the next Tarvin Parish Council Meeting to be held in the Community Centre on Monday 19th August.
Historically the only way that residents of the Parish could see what would be discussed at the forthcoming meeting was to look on the noticeboards at either Tarvin High Street or Oscroft Green. From now on the Agenda will be published by Tarvinonline on the same day as the paper copies are pinned to the noticeboards.
Online has a couple of advantages in that you can view the agenda in your own time, at home and not worry about the weather! Also you can print off a copy and bring it with you to the meeting if you wish although an electronic copy is displayed throughout the Parish Council meeting.

So what's up for discussion?
First of all there is always a 15min slot near the start ( item 3) for members of the public to raise any issues or make comments on any subject whether on the agenda or not. This can be particularly useful if you have a view about a planning matter ( item 8) or any of the following agenda items ( items 9 – 14) . Councillors will not discuss the matter with you at that time but your views/opinions/information may be referred to during the meeting if relevant.

Background briefing notes- a second first!
As you would expect, for Councillors to have a considered view on an Agenda item, briefing papers are often provided ahead of the meeting.
The Parish Clerk has assured Tarvinonline that they are also in the public domain at the time the Agenda is published.
We will therefore have them available on the website so you also can get up to speed with the item ahead of the meeting. These notes may well trigger some questions you want to ask in your 15 min slot or help you to understand the discussion as it occurs.
They are as follows:-

We all know now what is going to come up so no excuses!
Enjoy the bedtime reading and hopefully see you at the next Parish Council meeting.

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