Three years ago the Parish Council agreed to close its independent website and have a presence within the very successful village website, Tarvinonline. By clicking on the Parish Council portal on the home page of the village website, direct access can be gained to all Parish Council business.
The Parish Council recently committed themselves to reach the Foundation Standard of the Local Council Awards Scheme, a national programme intended to improve standards and to spread good practice. One way that this can be achieved is that far more Parish Council documents are made available to the public. The easiest way to achieve this is to put them on a website.
The current formation of the Parish Council website is unsuitable for the storage of a wide variety of documents so the format will be changed to make the navigation of the site easier so that all agendas, minutes, background reports and discussion papers can be more easily accessed. There will also be the ability to add photos and even initiate on-line discussions, though these facilities will be considered at a later date. The work will be carried out by Then Media Ltd, who built and maintain the Tarvinonline website.
The initiative is part of the Parish Council's stared aim to be as open and transparent in its dealings with the public that it represents. The new look Tarvin Times, which will be distributed in the near future is another way that the Parish Council hopes to improve the dialogue it has with local people.
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