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Planning Ahead

14th July 2016 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Tarvin Community Centre has just confirmed that the Friday Film Night will return after the summer (?) break on the 23rd September 2016. The complete list of dates for your diaries are:

September: 23rd – Family Film + Adult Film
October: 21st – Family Film + Adult Film
November: 25th – Family Film + Adult Film
December: 16th – Family Film ONLY
January: – 27th 2017 – Family Film + Adult Film
February: – 17th – Family Film + Adult Film
March: – 24th – Family Film + Adult Film
April: 28th – Family Film + Adult Film
May: 24th – Family Film + Adult Film
June: 23rd – Family Film + Adult Film

Film Nights are usually on the 4th Friday of the month but occasionally this has been changed to the 3rd Friday in an endeavour not to coincide with school holidays or other events. The actual programmes have still to be agreed but you can be assured that both the Family Film and the Adult Film will continue to be amazing blockbuster productions often shown at the same time as in other major cinemas but at a fraction of the cost.

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