The Police & Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, John Dwyer, has just re-launched a refreshed version of his Police & Crime Plan. The Plan sets out the direction for policing in Cheshire over the next two years, and will be the basis on which the Commissioner will hold the new Chief Constable Simon Byrne, to account for the delivery of service on behalf of the public.
John Dwyer said, "I decided that I would refresh my Police & Crime Plan each year to ensure that it continues to reflect the views of the public of Cheshire, and the changing political, partnership and policing landscape.
"My refreshed plan reflects my increased focus on improving services for victims, and places them at the centre of policing and the criminal justice system."
The main priorities of the Plan continue to be focused around crime prevention and crime reduction, and the Commissioner has identified that working with partner agencies is key to delivering his priorities.
John added, "My vision is to make Cheshire an even safer place in which to live and work. In order to achieve this, I will work closely with the Constabulary and in partnership with a range of organisations to tackle issues at a local, regional and national level."
The Police & Crime Plan is available on
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