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Rapid Progress at Saxon Heath

3rd March 2014 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Parish Council
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The Taylor Wimpey Development is forging ahead rapidly and the demand for properties is strong!
When the development was first suggested, the Parish Council were concerned that the flat housing market would adversely affect sales, but the improvement in that market over the last year has been remarkable. This is good news for the Parish, for the sooner the development is completed and the construction work finished, the sooner the estate can start to mature and its residents become part of the local community.
The estate does not only contain houses for sale on the open market, there are also a number that are built as properties for "affordable" renting and for "shared" or "low cost" ownership.
Full details regarding the "affordable" renting properties do not appear to be available at the moment. The "shared" or "low cost" ownership properties are managed by the housing group Muir Housing and recently members of the Parish Council met with Muir to see how the allocation of these properties was to be managed. It is the intension of the Parish Council to ensure that people with strong links to Tarvin are able to be given priority when the properties become available.
Muir Housing has defined groups of potential applicants and people connected with Tarvin will qualify and be designated as category one. In 2014 there will be 12 shared ownership and 4 rental properties completed with 13 rental properties becoming available next year.
Any Tarvin resident who would like to be considered for either kind of housing should urgently contact:
Gill D'Arcy at Muir Housing on 01244 605052 or mobile 07717 300014 or by e-mail salesteam@muir.org.uk) to make themselves aware of the processes involved in applying for a home on Saxon Heath.

On another issue
The Parish Council is concerned about the unkempt state of the roads and pavements in front of the development and the scruffy state of the pond area on the site. The Parish Council understands that there are still unresolved difficulties between Taylor Wimpy, CW&C Highways Department and English Nature about provision for the great crested newts. The Council resolved to write to English Nature's environmental consultants to try and discover the nature of the difficulties. The current state of the area is neither a good advertisement for the new estate nor a pleasant entry to the village

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