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St Andrew's Painters Group Outing

18th August 2013 @ 7:07am – by Val Collins
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The group recently made a visit to the Potteries Museum at Stoke on Trent to view the Staffordshire Hoard exhibition. . There were some 200 pieces on display, nearly all connected to military hardware. There was an excellent film describing the find and the subsequent archealogical research. Dedicated guides were on hand to explain and answer any questions that may arise. It was apparent this find threw a lot more light on the mysteries of the dark ages and is well worth visiting.This exhibition closes on September 1st 2013. The purchase of the hoard is shared between Stoke and Birmingham and I understand that the exhibition will move to Birmingham sometime in September.
St Andrew's Painters are holding their Annual Art Exhibition on Saturday 14th September in the Parish Room, Church Street, Tarvin from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.

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