The first meeting of 2022 of the St Andrews Women's Group was a great success with a full audience to hear our speaker Mr. David Cummings enlighten us with the history of bridge street.
We were all surprised how little we really knew about such a familiar street and area. With such an enthusiastic and interesting speaker who gave us the story from Roman times to present day we were able to learn what a wonderful heritage we have in the city of Chester. It was good to know that Chester was the major port in the North West long before the Port of Liverpool was founded., being used to import raw materials for the various industries in the area. The trade from Norway being one of the most regular and important . Proof of this is the Norwegian Church(St.Olaf's) at the bottom of Watergate Street.
Our grateful thanks to Mr. Cummings for a most interesting and entertaining evening.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 2nd March at 7.30pm when our speaker will be Mary Morgan and the topic " Mindfulness and Well Being" , including some food tasting. We look forward to seeing you there.
Ed: Click on the photographs to enlarge them.
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