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Tarporley & District u3a – November Meeting

30th October 2023 @ 6:06am – by Gill Moroney, Speaker Secretary
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Tarporley and District u3a – 23rdNovember Meeting

Doors open at 09.45 and there is time for tea, coffee, biscuits and a chat before the meeting begins at about 10.15 with a few announcements, followed by the talk at about 10.30 and questions to the speaker at about 11.15.The meeting closes around 11.30.

On Thursday 23 November 2023 Bill Howell talks about "Ellis Island and the Making of America"

After a career in financial services, Bill took early retirement and embarked on a completely different career path – ten years as a Tour Manager – escorting groups of travellers to worldwide destinations.

His talks largely reflect his personal experiences from travelling the seven seas and his love of art, history and music also feature strongly in his lectures and his take on Ellis Island and the role it played in the making of America, is no exception.

Lying close to New York City – Ellis Island was a port of destination and Bill describes how of the nine million immigrants who arrived in America during the early 20 century, two thirds were processed there, often arriving on ships from Liverpool.

Driven from their homelands by religious persecution, unemployment, political strife, the long arm of the law, family connections and the lure of adventure contributed to the greatest migration in modern history.

They sought new lives in a new world and some disappeared and then re-appearedwith a new name and a new history, invented as they crossed the Atlantic.

You can find out more from the u3a website at: https://u3asites.org.uk/tarporley/home where the monthly newsletter is available, as is information on how to join the u3a.

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