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Tarporley Outstanding Ofsted Report

3rd April 2014 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Tarporley High School and Sixth Form College receives "Outstanding" in all areas from Ofsted
students holding outstanding letters smaller

Photo shows (from left to right):Ellie Burrows Mark Walker Tegan Berry Mehdi Miah Aaron Greenwood Joseph Craig Ella Burnett Lillie Hall Oliver Duffell Caitlin Lovelock Charlie McMillan Felicia Price (click on photos to enlarge)

Tarporley High School and Sixth Form College has received the highest accolade from Ofsted. The rurally-based 11-18 school with Academy status was inspected on 5th and 6th March 2014 and scored "outstanding" in all aspects of the inspection covering achievement of pupils, the quality of teaching, the behaviour and safety of pupils and the leadership and management of the school.

In its report, Ofsted highlighted how the 'ethos and culture of the school' create an 'enthusiasm for learning' with students consistently demonstrating 'outstanding behaviour' and 'highly positive attitudes' across all aspects of school life. Ofsted also commented on the 'rapid progress' of all groups of students with particular praise for its 'high-quality teaching' and its subsequent 'remarkable impact on students' progress' with students learning at 'a rapid pace.'

In addition, the report praised the 'relentless drive' of the school to 'bring about further improvement, particularly to the quality of teaching and students' achievement' in their 'unrelenting pursuit of excellence.' The school's transition arrangements for Year 6 students was also hailed as 'superb' with 'strong partnerships' with partner primaries ensuring a 'smooth transfer to secondary school for all pupils.'

Moreover, the school's innovative Wednesday afternoon Enrichment programme for all students was praised with the report acknowledging 'the rich variety of extra-curricular activity' on offer.

sarah lee head teacher

Head Teacher Sarah Lee said "We are very proud that the achievements of our staff and students have been recognised by Ofsted. Our school vision is 'Aspire, Learn, Achieve,' and this endorsement from Ofsted truly reflects the vision of excellence we have for the school."
Chair of the school's Governing Body John Waddington said: "This is a tremendous achievement and one that everyone should feel immensely proud of."
In addition, the report praised the 'strong success rate' of the Sixth Form and its 'very high expectations of all students' confirming that 'achievement in the Sixth Form is outstanding' as 'learning is enhanced to a high level.'

6th form photo smaller

The photo shows Sam Dale Gemma Penk Director of Sixth Form Jason Lowe Fern Gibbon Mark Bailey.
Director of Sixth Form Jason Lowe said "We are proud of our Sixth Formers' outstanding achievements both academically and personally; they are fantastic ambassadors for the school and the local community and I am delighted that their efforts have been recognised by the Ofsted inspectors." The Sixth Form is currently accepting applications for September 2014 with places available for non Tarporley students. Enquiries can be made to: jlowe@tarporleyhigh.co.uk
Currently, there are a few places available for Year 7 entry in September 2014. More information is available by contacting the school on 01829732558 or by emailing contact@tarporleyhigh.co.uk

(Ed. This report emphasises how well the transition arrangements from feeder Primary schools were judged. Hence the concern by Tarvin parents over the new school transport arrangements which could prevent many Tarvin children from following this route to an excellent school)

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